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  • Writer's pictureYaya Mitchell

Personal development plan

Personal development was major for myself this year. Coming up with a plan to be great everyday was essential. I had to learn that life has its ups and downs but how you get up and face adversity is what separates you. When things do not go my way I take time of the day to stop whatever I'm doing and meditate and take everything slow. Speaking positivity into existence is a great way to trick my mind when I start to overthink about whatever negativity is happening at the moment.My academic performance this semester has been similar to past semesters. My performance has not improved significantly, which is disappointing. In order to finish with honors, I aimed to improve my GPA each semester. As a result, more work has to be done, as well as more time spent studying. Even before the end of the semester, I needed to achieve an average of 70% on all tests and assignments, according to my Personal development Plan . My performance improved slightly as a result of devoting more time consulting instructors. Effort is a big part of personal development . Putting in effort in everything that I do puts me in a great position to be successful. Being a student athlete in college definitely taught me the importance of effort. Going to practice 7 days a week , having a study hall , back to back classes can all take a toll on you mentally and physically . I built a strategy for myself which was cutting all outside distractions and really had to focus on the task at hand. Organizing my time really helped me get thru everything . Setting times to study after practice and school was essential , I learned how to improve everyday . Taking things day by day and at my own pace allowed me to clear my mind without being overwhelmed.

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